Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Ring.... ringg.... ringgg....

P : Hallo

A : What do you want for New Year?

P : ...

A : For all this time??

P : Yup

A : That's all?

P : Yes, all I want for New Year is ...

A : Still???

P : [Sigh mode on] Still

A : O U C H~!!!


Thursday, December 25, 2008


Gold Coast I'm Comingggggggggggggggg!!!!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Xmas Party

Tony Roma's so YummY

Tuesday, December 23, 2008


Muahaaaallllllll bgt kepiting di sini.
Abisssssss dechhhhhhhhh 190 dollar cuman buat mam kepiting doankkkk...
Ucghh worth it ga seghhhh?

Sunday, December 21, 2008


Ga bisa Bobokkkkkkkkkk

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Wonderful Song

Do you remember me?
I sat upon your knee
I wrote to you with childhood fantasies
Well, I'm all grown-up now
Can you still help somehow?
I'm not a child, but my heart still can dream

So here's my lifelong wish
My grown-up Christmas list
Not for myself, but for a world in need

No more lives torn apart
That wars would never ... Read Morestart
And time would heal all hearts
Every man would have a friend
That right would always win
And love would never end
This is my grown-up Christmas list

What is this illusion called the innocence of youth?
Maybe only in that blind belief can we ever find the truth

No more lives torn apart
That wars would never start
And time would heal all hearts
Every man would have a friend
That right would always win
And love would never end

This is my grown-up Christmas list
This is my only lifelong wish
This is my grown-up Christmas list

Saturday, December 13, 2008



Sunday, December 7, 2008

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Christmas coming~!!

I Like Christmas

Thursday, November 27, 2008

I'm close my eyes
dream of you and I and then I realized
there's more love than bitterness and lies

I'm really missing you......

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Please dee..

Maraaahhhh maraaaahhhhh maraaaaahhhhhhhh
Kesellllllll KESELLLLLLL KeseLLLl
ampe nangisssss sndr di tgh jalan.

Apa seghh salahna repot sedikit... cuman plg agak telat plg aja.
Aku tao u capek.. u dh 2 ari ini plg telat... tohh ini semua buat urusan kamu jg.
Herannn aku..

"ya uda lah.. aku kirim post aja"

capekk dee..

Friday, November 21, 2008

Love life is definitely the cruelest~!!

They said loving someone is not about having him/her as your partner in life but seeing him/her happy is enough. Happy?! What’s the meaning of happy anyway?! By seeing him/her happy but what about our self?!

Love life is definitely the cruelest!! It tortures your heart, your brain & even it’ll effect through the whole of your life. Being scared to love again, being scared to get to know someone new, being scared to let anyone to enter your heart, being scared to fall into the same complicated love relationship, being scared of won’t be able to be with the person we loved & being scared of getting hurt all over again.

Is it a nightmare or is it just a part of diversion that God wants us to feel & experience it we’ll know how to appreciate & love our self more than to hurt our self!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Never explain yourself to anyone.

Because the person who likes you doesnt need it and

the person who dislikes you dont believe it...

" What other people think of you, is none of your business"

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Tinggal Kenangan - Caramel -

Pernah ada rasa cinta

Antara kita kini tinggal kenangan

Ingin kulupakan

Semua tentang dirimu

Namun tak lagikan

seperti dirimu oh bintangku

Jauh kau pergi meninggalkan diriku

Disini aku merindukan dirimu

Kini ku coba mencari penggantimu

Namun tak lagi kan

seperti dirimu oh kekasih

Out of Reach - Gabrielle

Knew the signs
Wasn't right
I was stupid for a while
Swept away by you
And now I feel like the fool

So confused, my heart's bruised
Was I ever loved by you?

Out of reach, so far
I never had your heart
Out of reach, couldn't see
We were never meant to be

Catch myself from despair
I could drown if I stay here
Keeping busy every day
I know I will be okay

But I was
So confused, my heart's bruised
Was I ever loved by you?

Out of reach, so far
I never had your heart
Out of reach, couldn't see
We were never meant to be

So much hurt, so much pain
Takes a while to regain what is lost inside
And I hope that in time, you'll be out of my mind
I'll be over you

But now I'm
So confused, my heart's bruised
Was I ever loved by you?

Out of reach, so far
I never had your heart
Out of reach, couldn't see
We were never meant to be

Out of reach, so far
You never gave your heart
In my reach, I can see
There's a life out there for me...

Monday, November 10, 2008


Damn shit!!
I couldn't syncronise my Ipod.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween - The place for profile layouts, flash generators, glitter graphics, backgrounds and codes

Gucci GG 2919/S

My new sunglasses.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008


If I could choose to live my life
There'll be no ifs to say
If I would choose to hold your hand
There'll be no words to say

If I would choose to touch you there
Will you touch me there too?
And if you choose to stay with me
I'll spend my life with you

Withouth thought, without pride
Leave the things that seem to weaken us
Without fear, leave your lies
Let the magic turn your life around
So Yummyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy Yogurt green tea.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

What d F'ck!!!!!!!!

dont pretending nice to me.
I still remembered what did u said to me.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Jam segini masih Melekkkkkkk?
Ohlallaa gara2 ngebahas Insomnia semalam, gw jadi ketularan??
Cuihh... jgn deeee.

Sunday, October 26, 2008


Lets talk about Insomnia.

Bagi penderita insomnia bintang2 malam lah yg menjadi teman akrab yg menemani dgn setia ampe page.(twinkle2 little start... lalala....lalala)

Tauk ga, Insomnia itu terbagi manjadi 3 bagian : ringan, menengah and berat.
U org tao ga, yang paling berat itu tanda-tandanya sampai tidak bisa tidur. Biasanya para penderita insomnia berat itu mempunyai mempunyai beban pikiran yang banyak dalam waktu bersamaan.

Trus ya.. u org juga tao gak, kalau penderita insomnia itu punya kecenderungan utk bunuh diri, tiga kali lebih banyak dari pada orang yang bisa tidur normal. Wihhh sereemmm....
Hayoooo u org tuh mikir apa tho?? Wong hidup udah sulit, kenapa harus dibikin sulit.
(untung gw ga punya peny insomnia..Amin.. Amin.... jgn sampai dapat dah)
Buat penderita Insomnia, jangan lupa ke dokter buat nyembuhin insomnia na. Bahaya kalau keterusan, apalagi ketergantungan ama obat tidur. Duhhh jgn deee sama kyak nge drug donk:P
Saat ini pasti u org masih mencari cara untuk tidur, suatu kenikmatan yang mungkin sudah lupa bagaimana rasanya. Poor thing....

Otak kita selalu bekerja keras menjawab pertanyaan kita.
Mungkin hanya tinggal kita memilih, apakah mencoba menutup mata, atau membiarkannya tetap terbuka?
Hayoooo milih menutup mata donkkk (bukan buat selamanyaaaaaa jgn salah arti) hihihi

Thursday, October 23, 2008

JudeS & JuteQ

I'm shocked.
Mereka blg gw JuteQ abis.
gw pikir selama ini gw ga pernah juteqin mreka.
Malah ga pernah merasa dee...
Judes n Jutek emang segh sifat asli gw.
Mo gmn lage... ga bs di ilangin~!!!
I hate being pretentious.
II can only say things that come to mind.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Cold Man~!!!!

Dinginnnnnnnnnn buuaaangeeeeeet malam iniiii.

ggrrrrr....... 9 degreee


Making Coffee

Its was great making coffee.Ho Ho Ho

Monday, October 20, 2008

Angel by Sarah McLachlan

Spend all your time waiting
For that second chance
For a break that would make it okay
There’s always one reason
To feel not good enough
And it’s hard at the end of the day
I need some distraction
Oh beautiful release
Memory seeps from my veins
Let me be empty
And weightless and maybe
I’ll find some peace tonight

In the arms of an angel
Fly away from here
From this dark cold hotel room
And the endlessness that you fear
You are pulled from the wreckage
Of your silent reverie
You’re in the arms of the angel
May you find some comfort there

So tired of the straight line
And everywhere you turn
There’s vultures and thieves at your back
And the storm keeps on twisting
You keep on building the lie
That you make up for all that you lack
It don’t make no difference
Escaping one last time
It’s easier to believe in this sweet madness oh
This glorious sadness that brings me to my knees

Can you go to sleep after drinking coffee??

I'm not one of those people who can go to sleep after drinking Coffee.
I know people who can though.


Write Message


Phone book




Lama, tak ada jawaban atas sms yang terkirim itu.

N memang dia tak bakal terima sms yg gw kirim itu.

Lately, I often feeling blue.
Think about my journey, my need, my dream, my mother, my work, my self, and manything.....
I know that life is unfair sometimes.
I know, I am not perfect. Well, so what if I'm not perfect anyway?
I realize that I can't take all the problem by myself.

Ahh Yess.. one more thing, I always menuntut someone who close with me be Perfect.
I know nobody perfect in this world, this is my bad side.

My self, such complicated person.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Bondi Beach

It was hot at Bondi beach. The sun was shinning brightly. (make my skin's tan now hiks..)

The sand is so smooth and soft! The water is a bit cold, but the beach is nice.

I didn't bring my swimsuit.... But next time I will.

Psstt.. what's happen at Hilton?

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Damn It!!!!!!!!!!!


this feeling.........
again....... againnnnnnn and AGAIN!!!!!!!

Monday, October 13, 2008

One Sided Love

I know you're tried your best
But that's not good enough for me
Understand, nevertheless
Love's gotta go both ways

Well you push me to the left
Then you push me to the right
But you gotta meet me in the middle
If you wanna make this right

I wanna help you out, tell you what it's all about
What I feel, what I need, how's it gonna be
So what you wanna do, what you really wanna do
'Cause I've decided everything i want from you

One sided love
Is never gonna work
So let me tell you something
That' I'm sure you've never heard of
Tender love and care
In case you're unaware
So I tell you what
Let me tell you where it's at
Hit me with your best shot

I'm giving you a second chance
But you gotta understand
If you don't know how to love me
I will find someone who can
So read my lips for the last time
I tell you now with no regret
if you don't get your act together
Even your name, I will forget

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Diet VS Hungry

Sakit krn kelaparan?
have u ever hear that before???

Sunday, October 5, 2008

F'ck You.
I wanna really HATE YOU.

Saturday, October 4, 2008


Lagi2 Kamoe, dgn segala keegoisan mu membuat gw merasa tertekan.
Sapa blg aku cuman melihat kesalahan mu? Aku ga memberi mu chance?
OLALALA... biasa org putus ya uda putus.... but aku tetap memberimu kesempatan, kita msih ngobrol n bertemanan. And skrg apa yg ku dapat??
Caciannnnn dari org????? What the F'CK~!!
Damn it!! Cukup sudah.... aku ga perlu diperlakukan begitu.
Sungguh KAMU dan DIA org Dewada yg Kekanak2an.
sekarang aku butuh pria yang tak sekedar pandai mengobral kegombalan dan tak menepati apa yang dikatakannya. Aku tak butuh pria dewasa kekanak-kanakan, yang membuat pegal hati dan rasa. Sudahlah, cukup hal remeh seperti itu......
Seorang pengecut merekyasa cinta
dalam khayal dan kata-kata dusta
Ia telah lama mengidap derita
kepuasannya dari tangan nista

Monday, September 29, 2008

I got a new hair cut & new shirt

Hey guys...
Just this afternoon I had a new hair cut, I like it.
Hehehe Sometimes its good if we have something new.
My hairs its not change much, still the same (long hair).
Hahaha I can't imagine if I have a shot hair, maybe nextime I will buy wig (shot hair wig)

This afternoon too, I bought a cute shirt (blue sky colour)

Sunday, September 28, 2008

I'm confuse...
I dont know, this story true or only faked?

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

yg kesekiahn x

bikin sebelll aja..
bikin marahan aja...
bikin sedih aja......
bikin gregetan
Tiap chit chat ama dia, ga di telp or di msgr selalu bawaaanya "rasa" itu.
Ini bukan miss understand lage.... Ini dah bener2 ga sejalannnnn
gmn kita bisa berhub lage.
What d fu*k~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Damn iT!!!!!!!

Way Back Into Love

I've been living with a shadow overhead,
I've been sleeping with a cloud above my bed,
I've been lonely for so long,
Trapped in the past,
I just can't seem to move on!

I've been hiding all my hopes and dreams away,
Just in case I ever need them again someday,
I've been setting aside time,
To clear a little space in the corners of my mind!

All I want to do is find a way back into love.
I can't make it through without a way back into love.

I've been watching but the stars refuse to shine,
I've been searching but i just don't see the signs,
I know that it's out there,
There's got to be something for my soul somewhere!

I've been looking for someone to shed some light,
Not somebody just to get me through the night,
I could use some direction,
And I'm open to your suggestions.

All I want to do is find a way back into love.
I can't make it through without a way back into love.
And if I open my heart again,
I guess I'm hoping you'll be there for me in the end!

There are moments when I don't know if it's real
Or if anybody feels the way I feel
I need inspiration
Not just another negotiation

All I want to do is find a way back into love,
I can't make it through without a way back into love,
And if I open my heart to you,
I'm hoping you'll show me what to do,
And if you help me to start again,
You know that I'll be there for you in the end!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Hi diary,
Semalam gw pigi jalan ama A n B, make baju merah gw yg baru beli, SEXY~!!!
But reseh nya.. itu AB syirikkkkkk bangetttttttttt deeeeeeeeeeee.
Bikin Keki n SebeLLLLL aja!!'
"make busa yak?"
"push up bra pastinya?"
"biasanya ga segede gitu?"
"Asli man.. bisa toeng2 gt waktu jalan~!!"
"Cup B or C?"
"Co2 pada liatin u mulu tuhh.. pada ngintipp~!!!!z'
"U jalan di depan yak... kami mo liatin co2 mana yg liatin lo"
Sepanjaaaaaaaanggggggggggg jalannnnnnnn yg dibahas cuman ini??!!!!
Atawa emang ga pernah liat ceweq Sexy apa????
Olalala yg bawaanya gw PD jadi ga PD decghh.. krn diributin ama mrk mulu.
Baruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu baju segituu dh ribut apalagi ntar gw make rok pendek or Bikini yak?
Apa tripikal ceweq itu emang suka sirik2an x yah??
Aku ceweq juga segh... tapi ga sesirik itu ahhh ama da2 org.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

!!! High Heels!!!

When it comes to look stylish, nothing beats a gorgeous pair of high heels. Heels make your legs look longer, your body look slimmer, and you whole outfit just a little more polished.

Tapiiiii kalo gak comfortable, semuanya bakal ga seindah kedengerannya.

Don't buy the shoes cuman karena keindahannya dari luar dan it was half price , or really pretty. We should really care about the fit dan kenyamanannya.

But, if we will be standing all night long or need to walk any reasonable distance (kayak gw.. jalan muluu :P) , mesti mengunakan sepatu yg nyaman n comfortable walking.

Sepatu ceperrrr juga bagus kokkkkk... hehehe malah gw lbh prefer sepatu ceper.

High heel demenn segh... cuman ada 3 pasang.. soalna gw disini jalan mulu. (trust me!!*maksa*)

Monday, September 1, 2008

I'm so tired

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Sweet flavours make life more loveable~!!

So Yummy~!!
I like Strawberry, they are so sweet that everytime I eat them, I think life is not so bad as someone could think sometimes.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Another Boring Day


Tuesday, August 19, 2008


My new Handphone ^^

Life is like a movie

Life is like a movie.

And we like the main actor or actres inside movie.

Sometimes they will assume our own character is set by other. But they might just a supporting role. It just only a shot.Perhaps their chapter been cut somehow. Actually they still don't know. Sometimes they review again, again, and again, when they need it.

I am wondering, Am I become main actres or only supporting role on this movie, who will be undo anytime if they need it?

Then I realize that this is very serious movie. Set and plot can't be change. Forbidden to change absolutly. There is no room for improvisation. There is no space to speak up what U need. Actres only have right to light up the character. No more than that. Just accept the role, as written on contract.

Sunday, August 17, 2008


Party Party Party~!!
So many Party in this week......

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

What matters most -Rankin Kenny-

It's not how long we held each other's hand
What matters is how well we loved each other
It's not how far we travelled on our way
Of what we found to say
It's not the spring you see, but all the shades of green

It's not how long I held you in my arms
What matters is how sweet the years together
It's not how many summertimes we had to give to fall
The early morning smiles we tearfully recall
What matters most is that we loved at all.

It's not how many summertimes we had to give to fall
The early morning smiles we tearfully recall
What matters most is that we loved at all.

Fuihh.....soooo romantic song.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Boring Day!!

Sooooooooo Boring~~~!!!!!!!

My phone was ringing..... I thought it's You!!
But I'm wrong....



I remembered about My SantaClaus 4 years ago....

If I'm not wrong it was 25 Dec 2004

24 Dec in middle of the Chrismast nite at Ochard road Spore, I lose my bracelet.

"Oh Damn It~!! I lose my 1st present from him. How can I find it.. thousand of people in Orchard road now~!"

25 Dec 10 o'clock in the morning, I received the same bracelet which i lose it last nite.. but this is a NEW one~!! My Santaclous gave me a same present, not only things but My Santa gave me happiness. I felt that happiness, not because of the present, but b'coz of My Santa HEART.


All memories about 4 years ago.. I started to remember again, Santa gave me a thing which I liked so much. When i was walking in the rain using that thing, i feel that my heart a little bit warm...I feel that it's seem like 4 years ago "Hey...Santa is comes back, Santa comes Backk!!"

But I realized, its totally different. Different situation, different feeling, no happiness , no that HEART like i felt long time ago. A little bit feel sad.....


I dont wanna think about this, make me feel sad.

Im promise to myself... I will find my new happiness.. my new life....

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Don't let him always know where you are
and don't always be readily availabe to him.
Make him miss you sometimes.
Or else, he takes you for granted... and he denies it afterwards.

[Thx Lix... kata2 ini 'kena' bangettttttt]

Thursday, July 31, 2008

If leaving me is so easy

If leaving me is so easy,
going back is harder

Setelah beberapa lama, DIA kembali menghubungiku. Pria smart tak berperasaan ini menyampaikan keinginannya untuk kembali lagi padaku. Dia meminta kesempatan lagi untuk kesekian kalinya. Dia membuktikan kesungguhannya dengan datang ke Syd akhir taon ini.

Jawabku atas permintaannya, jelas TIDAK.

Dia melukaiku, sangat. Cukup sudah.
Aku terjatuh karena dia. Aku belajar berdiri dengan semua yang kumiliki tanpa dirinya. Aku mampu dan bertahan sampai saat ini.

Sudahlah, tenagaku cukup terkuras.
Sekarang ini, aku tak lagi ingin berlari. Aku hanya ingin mencoba mengayun langkah. Setapak demi setapak, sembari melihat keindahan sekeliling, yang sering terabaikan.

Aku hanya mencoba menikmati setiap detik yang berubah menghangat dan nyaman.
Saat aku mengayun langkah, setapak demi setapak, walau lambat, dan pelan.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Why YOU love me in this way.......

Tuesday, July 29, 2008


What is the meaning of love, when "love" itself can't be described?
What about the commitment, when the "commitment" itself never exists?
What about True Love, when i never believe in tat part?
What about the begining when there's no end?
What about the future when i always lived in my past?
What tryin to smile for when you can't hide your tears anymore?
What is faithful when you do all the nasty things without any respect even to yourself?
What to make your appearance looked good for when people can't see the good things in you?

Friday, July 25, 2008

Everyone keeps talking
Promise me everything
They don't mean anything

Thursday, July 24, 2008


I didn't mean wanna avoiding you.
I don't want if we argue again, b'coz I know both of us has a bad mood.
I don't want go away from u now and forever.
I think, they best way to us is let start from the begining.. start from zero.. we start be a friend.
Let time heals all our sorrow, pain and our relationship.

That's all I wish.


Wednesday, July 9, 2008

I need someone to share, to talk...
I need someone to make my life more colourful
I need someone to hold..

Damn it~!!
I miss you!!!!

Monday, July 7, 2008

In Your Mind

perhaps we suddenly meet someone
who is merely a stranger
of whom we do not know

our mind says that it is the one
'this is my Mr. Right'
according to our perception in its absurd way

slowly when we find out they are not as imagined
we feel sorry, we feel angry, we feel dissapointed...

people tend to perceive something in their mind
based on what they want and what they expect
they create it so beautiful, and perfect from their viewpoint
but isn't it only in their mind?

and maybe we are searching for love
the ideal one according to our mind
of which it never exist...

jika kau mencintai seseorang,
pastikan kau mencintai dia yang sesungguhnya,
bukan seseorang yang kau ciptakan dalam imajinasimu

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Don't Push Me to Get Marry Soon~!!

Tiba-tiba kalimat-kalimat norak diatas jadi sering saya dengar dari orang-orang disekitar saya... nyebelin banget! dan mungkin banyak dialamin juga sama sebagian besar dari kalian semua
(sorry buat yg udah punya pasangan hehehhe...)

Ya gak tau ! emang kenapa sih kalo saya masih pengen sendiri? emangnya saya bakalan membuat penipisan lapisan ozon makin cepat dengan kesendirian saya?

KAPAN NIKAH ??? Si A dah nungguin tuh !
Kok jangan milih-milih sih? MEMILIH ITU PENTING. Pada saat kita memutuskan untuk menikah dengan lawan jenis dan bukan sesama jenis aja. Berarti kita sudah melakukan pemilihan (sadis amat sih contohnyahehehhehe... ..)
Pada saat saya memutuskan untuk menikah dengan si pria A dan bukan si
pria B, berarti saya sudah melakukan pemilihan. Pada saat sayamemutuskan untuk menikah dengan priayang seiman dan bukan yang beda kepercayaan, berarti saya sudah

UDAH JANGAN MILIH-MILIH YANG LAIN. Si A has allthe best for you
LHAAAA... emangnya saya si Hunter (nama anjing) yang gak bisa ngeliat doggy jantan, langsung dikejar-kejar buat dikawinin. Duapribadi yang berbeda membutuhkan waktu untuk saling mengenal satu samalain. Lebih baik menyisihkan waktu lebih lama di waktu pendekatan atau
pacaran daripada mengambil keputusan gegabah dengan resiko menyesal seumur hidup.

JANGAN LAMA-LAMA!!! Si A udah ga sabar tuh !!
Saya gak ngejar karier, saya ngejar gajinya hahahha....
nikah itu butuh modal dan modal itu harus dikumpulin sedikit demi sedikit bukan jatuh dari langit.

JANGAN NGEJAR KARIER TERUS!!! Toh karier lu disinitetep bakalan jadi staff sampe bau apek ga bakalan jadi MANAJER.
Saya justru ngeri ngeliat temen-temen saya yang berlomba-lomba nikah,kalo saya tanya alasannya pasti karena umur,desakan orang tua yang mulai malu karena anak gadisnya gak laku-laku,takut dibilang perawan tua.
(dilombain dimana, PON, ASEAN atau dimana, Koq saya ga pernah denger ada perlombaan Nikah ? Pas 17-Agustusan kali ya ??)

Ketakutan-ketakutan itulah yang membuat temen-temen saya "tutup mata"terhadap setiap perbedaan yang justru sebetulnya sangat pentinguntuk dipertimbangkan pada masa pacaran
apakah memang "saya itu tulang rusuknya dia" (buat yang cewek)atau apakah "dia tulang rusuk saya " (buat yang cowok),(paling enak kalo tulangnya dibikin sop rusuk)mereka punya prinsip yang penting nikah dulu. Mereka dengan gampangnya berpikir bahwa karakter buruk yang sudah tertanam selamaberpuluh-puluh tahun di dalam diri "sang kekasih" bisa hilang begitusaja pada saat menikah.(gak hilang begitu saja, tapi bisa sampe lama boo)

Saya tahu mungkin banyak yang gak setuju dengan pendapat saya, tapi sayagak mau menikah hanya karena masalah umur, siapa sih yang berhak ngasih patokan umur seseorang untuk menikah? siapa sih yang beranijamin bahwa nikah di umur 25 tahun akan lebih bahagia dari yang nikah di umur 30 atau lebih?

Coba liat di catatan sipil, angka perceraianpaling tinggi terjadi pada pasangan yang menikah pada umur yang mana(kalo udah dapet datanya, kasih tau saya ya, soalnya saya sendiri gak
pernah ngecek hahahahaha.... )
Malah menurut saya menikah diusia 30 atau lebih itu banyak sisi baiknya,karena disitu biasanya emosi seseorang sudah lebih stabil,kedewasaan temperamen sudah mulai terbentuk, persiapan materi cukup memadai.

(materi itu tetap harus masuk dalam pertimbangan dong, kangak bisa bayar listrik sama bayar telepon pake surat cinta),Saya juga gak mau menikah karena desakan orang tua atau karena takut dibilang perawan tua, yang ngejalanin pernikahan itu kan gue bukan mereka, yang bakalan tanggung semua resiko kalo ada masalah kan gue bukan mereka,perkawinan kan bukan tuk dibuat main-main apalagi trus kawin - cerai. Kebayang gak tuh kalo sampe salah milih bakalan sengsara seumur hidup.

Saya pasti pengen nikah tapi dengan alasan yang tepat, saya pengen nikahkarena saya menyadari bahwa hidup ini terlalu berat untuk dijalani sendirian (ceileee...puitis amat lu),
saya pengen nikah karena saya menyadari saya membutuhkan seseorang yang bisa saling mendukung dalam segi spiritual dan material, gue pengen nikah karena saya butuh menyayangi seseorang dan butuh untuk disayangi (hihihihi... jadi malu nih), dan masih banyak lagi...
tapi yang jelas gak bisa ditentuin kapan waktunya, bisa cepet bisa juga lama, kalo soal waktu kan terserah sama yang DIATAS.

JADI LU GAK PENGEN NIKAH? Nikahin Si A aje Deh..!!

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Some pieces conversation...

P : ????

N : No.. I don't want.

P : ----------???

N : I wanna spent my time with u

P : .............

N : I don't want u feel lonely.

P : .........(speachless, suddenly I thinking about him again)


Ah, sudahlah, lupakan saja.......

Bagiku, kebahagiaan harus dicari, dikejar, dan dipertahankan jika memang berharga. Kebahagiaan tak lagi berarti kebahagiaan, jika membuat seseorang terluka.
Pria yang baik, akan hadir di sisi perempuannya, tanpa perlu mengucap, "NEED ME?", karena Pria yang baik tak kan pernah membuat perempuannya menunggu dan menderaikan air mata karena dia.

Sungguh, cinta tak kan berarti cinta, jika membuat seseorang terluka.
Pun, perempuan yang baik, akan selalu membuat prianya kembali padanya karena rindu akan kesabaran dan ketulusan sikap yang dimiliki sang perempuan, yang senantiasa merawat dan melenakannya.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

I ENVY to them~!!!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008


I'm tired...

I wanna sleep.....

Friday, June 13, 2008

Kau tak akan mengerti bagaimana kesepianku

menghadapi kemerdekaan tanpa cinta

Kau tak akan mengerti segala lukaku

karena cinta telah sembunyikan pisaunya

Membayangkan wajahmu adalah siksa

Kesepian adalah ketakutan dan kelumpuhan

Engkau telah menjadi racun bagi darahku

Apabila aku dalam kangen dan sepi

itulah berarti aku tungku tanpa api

[by WS Rendra]

Thursday, June 12, 2008

What & Why?

Pernahkan terlintas dalam benak untuk sekedar menanyakan, mengapa orang selalu merasa perlu butuh penjelasan atas kondisi atau keputusan yang diambil orang lain?
Kenapa kamu memilih warna hitam, bukankah merah lebih bagus?
Mengapa kamu makan burger, padahal ada pizza enak di sini?
Kenapa kamu belum punya pacar, padahal banyak yang suka?
Mengapa kamu jadi kurus, padahal justru kamu lebih sexy dg badanmu yg dloe?
Kenapa kamu mao pindah aprmtn, padahal sudah aman kamu tinggal disini?
Kenapa, kenapa, kenapa.....
Mengapa, mengapa, mengapa.....
Tak semua kondisi dan keputusan yang diambil perlu dijelaskan. Seringkali satu hal dilakukan tanpa perlu repot menjawab pertanyaan Kenapa, dan Mengapa justru lebih baik.
=&*^$%%@#$%#$!!Malam ini data laptop gw ilang, my family too much worried about me=

Monday, June 9, 2008

Sukiyaki & Kimchi

Tonight Gw di invite dinner ama Japanese.
Sukiyaki. Yummy~!! Hontoni oishi taka. Domo Arigato.
He really good in cook.
Watashi wa suki desu Nihon ryouri .
And Korean brought Kimchi for dinner.
Kamsahamnida Charles, u know I like kimchi very much.
Kimchi in Syd is expensive, if not expensive I think I will eat it everyday.
Kimchi suop, Kimchi Noodle suop, Kimchi with pork,tofu and onion.. sluurppppp
Anything cook with Kimchi is Yummy~!! Machiso~!!

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Seducing Mr.Perfect

Min-joon (Uhm Jung-hwa) is a believer in true love and always very dedicated to her current boyfriend. However, men always break up with her - her latest boyfriend ends their relationship on her birthday. Distracted by the latest break-up, she bumps into a car and a man steps out of it - who turns out to be her new boss, Robin Heiden (Daniel Henney). Heiden has very clear ideas about a relationship and love: both are a game of power and Min-Joon seeks advice from him, as she doesn't want to get dumped again. However, when she starts to treat men like Heiden treats women, she realizes that she prefers her older behaviour, even if that means that she gets dumped again; she doesn't see love as a game of power and never will. Heiden, who has to deal with his own heartbreak, as he loved a woman so much that she had to shoot him to get the message across that she wasn't interested in him, starts to soften at Min-joon's attitude towards life. He eventually falls in love with her and both get into a real relationship and a happy ending of their own.
Lucu bgt pilemnya,banyak yg bs dipelajari dari sini..
Wew, dh subuh.....bobok doloe

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Strictly ballroom

I watched this movie today.
Ehmm.. just so so, but I like anything about dancing, expecially ballroom, looks like sexy and romantic.
"It's the magical story of a championship ballroom dancer and his ugly duckling dancing pathner who are breaking all the rules."
Don't let him always know where you are
and don't always be readily availabe to him
Make him miss you sometimes.
Or else, he takes you for granted... and he denies it afterwards.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Puffy Cookie Puffs

chocolate & vanilla filling

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

The wind flipped my Cutie umbrella

Sdy during the rainy season.
I love rain. There is something about it that leaves me feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.
Sleeping in the rain has to be one of the best things in the world~!! (Yippiii ^^)

Today, That wind flipped the top of my lovely umbrella~!!
Oucghhh~!!! Sedihhhnyaaaaaa......... 1 sisi lipatnya dah patah. hu hu =[!_!]=

(Ampe2 gw rela tutup payung nyaaa n gw jlan ditengah jalannn)

By the time I arrived at collage - about ten minutes after the umbrella was fixed - my pony tail was crooked, clothes and bag were soaking wet, and water dripped from everywhere.

Hu hu sounds terrible..

I have learned how to use an umbrella in the wind and rain!
But, this evening, the wind couldn't decide from which direction it wanted to blow.
(uda gw cobaa..... kok payung gw masihh flip gt segh??~!! Many times pula, in middle of the road. Ohlalala...malunya...)

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Why it's better to be a woman~!!

1. We got off titanic first.
2. We get to flirt with systems support men who always return our calls,and are nice to us when we blow up our computers.
3. Our boyfriends clothes make us look elfin & gorgeous. Guys look like complete idiots in ours.
4. We can be groupies. Male groupies are stalkers.
5. We can cry and get off speeding fines.
6. Taxis stop for us.
7. Men die earlier, so we get to cash in on the life insurance.
8. Free drinks, free dinners, free movies...
9. We can hug our friends, without wondering if she thinks we're gay.
10. We can hug our friends, without wondering if we're gay.
11. If we forget to shave, no one has to know.
12. If we're dumb, some people will find it cute.
13. There are times when chocolate really can solve all your problem. (It's true~!)
14. We can fully assess a person just by looking at their shoes.
15. We know which glass was ours by lipstick mark.
16. We have enough sense to realize that the easiest way to get out of being lost is to ask for directions.

Monday, June 2, 2008

How are u?

Saturday, May 31, 2008

May 31, 2008 - The place for profile layouts, flash generators, glitter graphics, backgrounds and codes

Have conviction in everything you do today -- no matter what it is. Today, you have to commit to what you are doing, even if it's just shopping, visiting a friend, or going to a movie. Changing your mind over and over again is going to really stress people out and it could earn you a bad reputation. You have the freedom to make up your own mind, but you don't have the freedom to change it every other minute -- especially when other people are counting on you.


I will not make the same mistakes that you did
I will not let myself
Cause my heart so much misery
I will not break the way you did,
You fell so hard
I've learned the hard way
To never let it get that far

I heard you cry every night in your sleep
You should have known better than to lean on me
You never thought of anyone else
You just saw your pain
And now I cry in the middle of the night
For the same damn thing

I lose my way
And it's not too long before you point it out
I cannot cry
Because I know that's weakness in your eyes
I'm forced to fake
A smile, a laugh everyday of my life
My heart can't possibly break
When it wasn't even whole to start with

Because of you
I never stray too far from the sidewalk

Because of you
I learned to play on the safe side so I don't get hurt

Because of you
I try my hardest just to forget everything

Because of you
I don't know how to let anyone else in

Because of you
I'm ashamed of my life because it's empty

Because of you
I am afraid

Friday, May 30, 2008

My Tarot's Symbol

You are The Star

Hope, expectation, Bright promises.

The Star is one of the great cards of faith, dreams realised

The Star is a card that looks to the future. It does not predict any immediate or powerful change, but it does predict hope and healing. This card suggests clarity of vision, spiritual insight. And, most importantly, that unexpected help will be coming, with water to quench your thirst, with a guiding light to the future. They might say you're a dreamer, but you're not the only one.

What Tarot Card are You?
Take the Test to Find Out.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Too Late...

You ran out of time...

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Down the alley

Have you ever been in love with someone who could never return your feelings?
And tough you knew, still you could never forget him?

And have you ever felt that you would give the world for the one you love....
Even though you knew that he might not care, or even if he cared he would still leave?

Have you ever been here,where I am.....
smile, cries and laughter altogether?

If you have, you'll know that there's nothing more confusing yet beautiful experience in life. Treasure it before you realize it's not there anymore.....

I try, try and try I want to forget you....
How can I loved somebody like you....
How stupid I am??

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Go AwaY~!!

Hi Piggy....
Hi Dragon....
One day I'll make you fly away.
I promise you.
Don't promise something that you can't kept.
I always enjoy every single day that I share with you.
But now I Don't

[Bye Dragon, Just fly away by yourself. I didn't cry for you anymore]

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Aquarius Horoscope - 15th May, 2008 - The place for profile layouts, flash generators, glitter graphics, backgrounds and codes

"If life out in the Big, Wide World is causing you stresses and strains, you might be pleased to hear that it looks as though your home life or family should be able to offer you some kind of respite. Just remember that it's all too easy to take out our frustrations on the ones we love, who are often the ones who least deserve it. Having said that, unless you're living with someone you feel less than compassion for, or unless someone in your kin/clan is really pushing you too far right now, it really does appear that home offers a refuge."

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Luna Park

I went to Luna park with my lovely friends
Namfon, Bell and Amy

After that, we went to Thailand restaurant
*Crocodile Thai*
We order some food..
Delicious food Yummy2

-Ar han a roi-

*Chicken stir fired
with cheshew nut"

*Padthai Chicken*

*Poa Tak Seafood*


*Basil Chicken*

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Amethyst is birthstone for February

Amethyst Gemstone meaning
Crystalline quartz in shades of purple, lilac or mauve is called amethyst, a stone traditionally worn to guard against drunkeness and to instill a sober mind. The word amethyst comes from the Greek meaning "without drunkenness" and amethyst is beleived to protect one from poison.

Power Stone
It is used as a dream stone and to help insomnia. Put an amethyst under your pillow to bring about pleasant dreams, or rub it across your forehead to offer relief from a headache.

Wisdom Stone
The amethyst is known as the Bishop's Stone and is still worn by Catholic Bishops. The amethyst symbolizes piety, humility, sincerity and spiritual wisdom. It is thought the amethyst is the perfect stone to symbolize The Age of Aquarius.

Healing properties of Amethyst
Amethyst is a gemstone often worn by healers, as it has the power to focus energy. A healer will usually wear several pieces of jewelry with amethysts set in silver, especially an amethyst necklace. The person to be healed will have an Amethyst to hold while the healing is being done. The healer will place another piece of Amethyst on the area of the body in need of healing, the heart or lungs usually.
Amethyst is used for problems in the blood and in breathing problems. Amethyst crystal clusters are used to keep the air and life force in the home clean and positive.
Amethyst clusters, points or several tumbled Amethysts placed in a window that receives sun most of the day are very beneficial to use in healing and to heal negativity in the home. Place Amethyst clusters, points or several tumbled Amethysts in moonlight and everyone in the home will be feeling calmer. Using an Amethyst as a meditation focus will increase the positive spiritual feelings. Amethyst helps overcome fears and cravings. It also helps relieve headaches.

Kirei desu. Watashi wa suki desu.
Domo arigato gozaimasu.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Some pieces conversation...

U told me, Sorry, u didn't means rude to me, but u too jealous
U told me, I'm still same in your heart,still ur baby.
U told me, You love me.

-I not love you anymore,and you a suck man I ever had-

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

I Love Myself

Myspace Heart Generators

The Missing Piece of Me...

Sometimes I ask myself
This the life that I want?
Am I happy now?
I feel there's something missing inside me
I don't know what it is...

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Long weekend~!

Last nite went to pub Bistro with classmate, after that we went to Fujitsu Japanese Restaurant with Korea and Japanese Man.
Japanese food Oishi..Oishi... YummYyyYy

Monday, April 21, 2008

Sunday, April 13, 2008

I'm Looking for Someone

I'm looking for a lover not a friend
Somebody who can be there when I need someone to talk to
I'm looking for someone who won't pretend
Somebody not afraid to say the way they feel about you

And I'm looking for someone who understands how I feel,
Someone who can keep me real and who knows always
Baby I like to have you in my way
And I'm looking for someone who takes me there,
Wants to share, shows he cares
Thinking on the one that I've been waiting for

I'm looking for someone to share my pain (Uh)
Someone who I can run to, who would stay with me when it rains
Someone who I can cry with trough the night
Someone who I can trust who's hardest right
And I'm looking for someone

And I'm looking for someone who understands how I feel,
Someone who can keep me real and who knows always
Baby I like to have you in my way
And I'm looking for someone who takes me there,
Want to share, shows he cares
Thinking on the one that I've been waiting for

Take for grant
How much I care (How much I care)
And appreciates that I'm there
Someone who listens
And someone I can call who isn't afraid of thought to share

Is it you? is it you?
Maybe you're the one I've been waiting for
Could you be the one for me?
Could you be the one I need?

Monday, March 24, 2008

Monday - Easter Holiday

Im going to Darling Harbour with Namfon.
We talked about "Relationship"
Actually everybody have different problem.

Dwi called me and She said wanna meet me tomorrow.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter

Hi my lovely Blog,
Uda 3 minggu gw di Syd, ternyata membosankan. huhu
Pulang dari skul, gw jadi pengganguran, makan n tidur. Mgkn kebiasaan gw ada kerja x yach. Biasa nya kerja di kantor seharian, skrg kebanyakan waktu luang nya, n temen2 pada kerja ga bisa hangout bareng.
I think I must looking for a job too..biar hari2 gw cepat lewat, n gw bisa practicing my language English. Uchh..
Please God... help me..... find to me Job.. dimana kerjaanya ga berat n Boss nya ga galak.
Long holiday, but nothing to do.
I hope tomorrow will better than today.

Monday, March 3, 2008


Hari ke-3 di Sydney.

Thursday, February 28, 2008


Ini diaaa HP baru gw.
Gimana baguss ga??
Gw suka banget ama warna MeRaH na.

Sunday, February 24, 2008


Seharian di salon bikin capek pinggang
Belon lage sakitt nya Ampooonnn amponnnn dahh..
Ternyata cantik itu butuh pengorbanan.
Bayangin aja.. buat ngelurusin rambut, gw mesti rela bayar 1/2 jt dan duduk disana selama 7 jam-an. Oh Laa Laa... dari jam 9 ampe jam 4.20 gmn ga rontok badan gw.
Dah itu di strika lage rmbt nya.. ditarikkk 2 org dgn berlawanan arah.
Ga bs gw bayangkan kl cuman 1 org yg kerjain aje.. bisa pulang jam 7 malam gw.
laen x ga mo neko2 in rmbt gw lage de... ga berani pigi kriting lage. Zzz Kapok dah~!!

Resign "Last Day in Office"

Friday, February 22, 2008

Piece of word tonite

I quit Love, not b'cause I had to

It just, s'times better to be alone

Because nobody can hurt you.

08-02-22_00-39.amr.wav From: 8529xxxx

Bread - " If "

If a picture paints a thousand words,
Then why can't I paint you?
The words will never show the you I've come to know.
If a face could launch a thousand ships,
Then where am I to go?
There's no one home but you,
You're all that's left me too.
And when my love for life is running dry,
You come and pour yourself on me.

If a man could be two places at one time,
I'd be with you.
Tomorrow and today, beside you all the way.
If the world should stop revolving spinning slowly down to die,
I'd spend the end with you.
And when the world was through,
Then one by one the stars would all go out,
Then you and I would simply fly away

[ Yours voice is still the same as 1st time u sing *Ocean Deep* to me. Thanks for this song. I like this lyrics, sounds so nice & romantic.]

Hepi Cap Go Meh

" Happy Cap Go Meh "

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Tu me manques

Malam ini.. sepertinya u tao apa yg b pikirkan.
thanks utk sms nya. I miss u too. thanks juga utk present V-tine & Bday nya.
Coklatnya enak, piggynya lucu, frame nya unique But..yg plg b suka dari doloe adalah card nya. Terasa lebih special krn ada tulisan tangan dr u.
Apa ini akan menjadi present terakhir utk b?
Sama hal nya dengan last boequet flower dr u utk b??
fuuih..... cukup hub yg melelahkan yg tetap tdk tahu kemana ujung perhentiannya.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy V-tine

Happy Valentine's Day

Aggrrhhh Pimples @#$#@$@~!!

malam2 pun kepikiran pekerjaan...
keliatannya penyakit stress gw mulai lg de...

Duhhhhhhhhhh sebellllllll
Jadi jerawatan neghhhh, gmn coba utk ilangin pimples yg membandel??
Ga PEDE neghhh Agggrrhhhhhhhhhh@*&%@@!&$%$^$%#$^*
Lusa mo ke Jkt reunian... masa dgn muka kayak gini?????
Gimana donkkkk~!!

Dha ituu pikiran gw kerjaaannnnn Officeee muluuuuuuuuuuuuuu
(emang susah kl punya responsibility yg tinggi)
Mo resign aja ribetttt segh.

Mlam ini kok gw kepikiran ama si dia ya...
Lage gapaen aja?? Kok ga ada kabarnya?