Monday, October 20, 2008

Can you go to sleep after drinking coffee??

I'm not one of those people who can go to sleep after drinking Coffee.
I know people who can though.


Write Message


Phone book




Lama, tak ada jawaban atas sms yang terkirim itu.

N memang dia tak bakal terima sms yg gw kirim itu.

Lately, I often feeling blue.
Think about my journey, my need, my dream, my mother, my work, my self, and manything.....
I know that life is unfair sometimes.
I know, I am not perfect. Well, so what if I'm not perfect anyway?
I realize that I can't take all the problem by myself.

Ahh Yess.. one more thing, I always menuntut someone who close with me be Perfect.
I know nobody perfect in this world, this is my bad side.

My self, such complicated person.

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