Thursday, January 31, 2008

Make it real or Take it all away

I've seen this place a thousand times
I've felt this all before
And every time you call
I've waited there as though you might not call at all

I know this face I'm wearing now
I've seen this in my eyes
And though it feels so great, I'm still afraid
That you'll be leaving anytime

We've done this once and then you closed the door
Don't let me fall again for nothing more

Don't say you love me unless forever
Don't tell me you need me, if you're not gonna stay
Don't give me this feeling, I'll only believe it
Make it real or take it all away

I've caught myself smiling alone
Just thinking of your voice
And dreaming of your touch, is all too much
You know I don't have any choice

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Berakhir sampai disini.....

Thursday, January 17, 2008

again... again.....

Lagi2 ucapan kamu ga bisa dipenuhi lagi.
padahal gw dah terlanjur senang akan ucapanmu.
n gw kecewa lagi.. utk kesekian x nya.

Mgkn hari ini gw lagi PMS.
bawaan nya mo marah2.. dari soal kerjaan ampe ke kamunya.
semuanya buat gw sebellll .
Moga PMS x ini segera berakhir.
I'm exhausted right now..

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Why Should I Care


I remembered him again.

How are you?

Was there something more I could have done?
Or was I not meant to be the one?
Where's the life I thought we would share?
And should I care?

And will someone else get more of you?
Will she go to sleep more sure of you?
Will she wake up knowing you're still there?
And why should I care?

There's always one to turn and walk away
And one who just wants to stay
But who said that love is always fair?
And why should I care?

Should I leave you alone here in the dark?
Holding my broken heart
While a promise still hangs in the air
Why should I care?

Why Should I Care -Diana Krall-

Monday, January 7, 2008

Vanwarmer Randy - Just When I Needed U Most

You packed in the morning, I stared out the window
And I struggled for something to say
You left in the rain without closing the door
I didn't stand in your way.

But I miss you more than I missed you before
And now where I'll find comfort, God knows
'Cause you left me just when I needed you most
Left me just when I needed you most.

Now most every morning, I stare out the window
And I think about where you might be
I've written you letters that I'd like to send
If you would just send one to me.

'Cause I need you more than I needed before
And now where I'll find comfort, God knows
'Cause you left me just when I needed you most
Left me just when I needed you most.

You packed in the morning, I stared out the window
And I struggled for something to say
You left in the rain without closing the door
I didn't stand in your way.

Now I love you more than I loved you before
And now where I'll find comfort, God knows
'Cause you left me just when I needed you most
Oh yeah, you left me just when I needed you most
You left me just when I needed you most

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Sekilas mengenai kantor.....

Hi Blog,My diary...
Pagi ini gw kirim email ke Boss, meminta kenaekan gaji buat para anggota kantor.
Sehubungan dgn resign nya teknisi yg mnrt gw selama ini dia kerja dgn hasil yg memuaskan,cukup disayangkan dia resign dr kntr. Hanya dikarenakan personal request tdk dihimbau sama Boss.
Memang bagi kita sbg karyawan ingin hasil kerja kita itu dinilai dan diberi penghargaan, baik itu pujian serta yg paling penting kenaikan salary rite??
Personal Request na sudah saya sampaikan 2 bulan yg lalu.. namunn mgkn Boss sibuk atao mempunyai pemikiran yg berbeda??

Hasil email yg gw kirimin ditanggapin Boss, n Boss bersedia menaekan gaji seluruh anggota kntr. Horeeyyyy~!!
But mgkn bt gw sndr ga dinaekin yahh... hu hu Biz nya gw ga minta bt gw sndr. hehe
Maklum... org yg mo resign bulan depan tau diri donk~!! ga mgkn minta naek gaji lg.

Saat ini lagi cari anggota baru buat gantiin posisi gw dikntr.
Yg plg dikasihani, CL tdk gantikan posisi gw, malah yg ada CL mgkn akan diberhentikan.
Pdhl pd saat gw buat siaran langsung ke seantero kntr rencana pengunduran diri, CL nampak bersemangat krn kandidat 1 1 nya utk gantiin posisi gw adl DIA.
But now.... u see... tidak semua yg kita kira Jalan Tol itu bebas hambatan. Masih ada polisi tidur, ada tingkungan yg mengharuskan kita menginjak rem, bahkan ada lubang2 nya lg. hihihi
Tripical CL tdk cocok sama Boss, terlalu by the rules, byk menuntut, serta byk Claim utk kesehatan. Boss tdk mo mempekerjakan karyawan yg sakit2an.
Say good bye ama kamu dech CL. Harusnya kamu lbh bs menghargai gw sbg atasan kamu.
Saat ini disaat posisi mu tetap serta dinyatakan akan diberhentikan. Gw ga bisa menolong apa2 utk mempertahankan u, krn Kamu tdk pantas utk kuperjuangkan.

Oh yahh satu hal lagi. Gw cuman memperjuangkan kenaikan utk para teknisi gw.
Tidak utk Kamu~!! Logh.. kok kesannya gw jaat ya??
Hub rekan kerja antara kita b2 tdk terjalin dgn baik, sejak pertama u menginjakkan kaki ke kntr. Anggota baru yg sangat berani n terang2an sekali menentang gw.
Yaa.. waktu itu u ada backingan dibalik adik mu itu. Dimana saat itu gw naek jabatan sbg atasan loe, u banting sana sini lemari2 n mengibarkan bendera perang bhw kamu tdk suka ama gw.
Satu tahun berlalu, aku minta u kerjakan ini, u menjawab membantah dgn 10 alasan.2 bulan yg lalu, pada saat gw minta revisi report yg kamu buat. Lo dgn beraninya membanting meja gw???? OMG~!! Berani sekale... Saat gw menanyakan alasan knp u banting meja. u diem membisu. Saat itu saya bisa saja mem-PHK dirimu. Cukup dgn 1 x email saya layangkan ke BOSS. U sudah tdk bekerja lg di sini.

Gw sdh sgt bertoleransi dgn u. Gw ingin menciptakan suasana kantor yg harmonis. Dr segi umur saya jauh lbh muda 15 tahun, Tentu dgn alasan ini u tdk menghargai gw sebagai atasan u.U gengsi krn hrs dibawah gw bukan? But kerja tdk memandang umur, tetapi melihat Jabatan apa yg diduduki msg2. Nah.. skrg u tao kan alasan gw mengatakan u tdk layak utk diperjuangkan.