Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Swiss Bittersweet Chocolate

Pagi ini gw melarikan diri dari kantor jam 10. Psstt.. don tell my Boss Ok^^
Ga tao napa pagi ini rasanya dont do anything.. (penyakit malasna datang) Monsieur Dragon lg cerita makan Coklat Lindt.Huaa langsung deee appetite gw naeekk ampe keubun2..Ting Tong...PeeeNgeennn mam coklatt jugaaaaa.. Udahh degh,langsung ngacir ke mall hanya buat beli coklat. Alasan ke Kantor segh bilangnya ada urusan keluar sbntr. hihih
Berhub yg jd atasan di kntr ini gw sndr.. so ga ada yg nanyain dee. Ho Ho (Sesekali menggunakan Hak utk berbuat nakal kan ga masyaaalahh)

Nyam2 ini.. skrg sambil ketik sambil ngemil CokLat Lindt Bittersweet.
Recomend dr Monsieur Dragon segh Excellent Dark Cocoa 85%, but yg ada di MP cuman ada strawberry,Almond,White,Bittersweet & Milk.
Gw putusin beli Bittersweet aja..krn emang gw ga suka coklat yg kelewat manizz...Anywayy semua coklat gw suka seghhh Ho Ho
Trus gw jg ada beli Villars Chocolat Noir 72% de Cacao.Blon pernah nyoba negh..moga2 aja enak dee. Yummyy :P~~

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Money Money

Dalam bulan ini pengeluaran gw ternyata banyak yg diluar dugaan.
Gw baru sadar waktu tade ke ATM tarik 4.5 jt buat bayar Komputer baru.
Duhh rasanya sakit bangett mo nariknya apalagi liat saldo di dalam nya makin berkurang. Hu Hu hu

Bulan ini abisin 10 juta @$@%@$#*&! Busyett.. Gaji gw aja ga sampai 10jt/bulan.
Hu Hu,mesti berhemat2 lagi, kl ga cita2 gw ga kesampaian donk~!!!
Ohhh Cita2 gw... kapannn akan bs terwujuud~??
Pengeluaran terbesar bulan ini, yaitu ke Malay selama 8 malam 9 ari, trus pulang2 gw beli PC + LCD 17" baru, duh.. bener2 dee.. Soalnya doloe make notebook.N Nootbooknya dah gw kasein ke dd buat bawa ke OZ.

Tapi mo gmn hemat?? mgkn Minggu depan gw mesti terbang ke Spore, utk temenin Paman gw yg mo operasi cancer liver. Huaaaaaaaaa stress out dee.
Ohhh Chinene new year.. cepatlahh datang biar bisa cpat2 dapat THR.

Money2 Come..
Money2 Come...
Money2 Come...

Friday, October 26, 2007

Your Birth Month is February

Peaceful and harmonious, you seek the gentle side of life.
Your warmth and consideration touches many.

Your soul reflects: Purity, modesty, and faithfulness

Your gemstone: Amethyst

Your flower: Iris

Your colors: Purple, yellow, and light blue
Your Heart Is Green

Love completes you, but that doesn't mean you seek it out.
When love comes your way, you integrate it peacefully into the rest of you life.

Your flirting style: Laid back

Your lucky first date: Walking around aimlessly and talking

Your dream lover: Is both enthusiastic and calm

What you bring to relationships: Balance

Thursday, October 25, 2007

My Name in Japanese

Your Japanese Name Is...

Mariko Anenokoji

Wednesday, October 24, 2007


Hw can he know wat i felt last nite?
Ragu akan perasaan mu n diriku sndr...

Tuesday, October 23, 2007


I Hate PMS~!!!!!!

Gw benci banget kalo lagi PMS, bukan karena gangguan perut kayak yang lainnya, tapi karena gw jadi super duper sensitif dan MoodY kl lagi PMS.

Bawaanya mo maraaaahhhhh.. tapi ga tao mo marah krn Apa n Sapa?

Urrgggggh sangat2 menyeballkannnnnnnnn.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Do You Believe in Fate?

Do You Believe in Fate?

Do you think or believe that things happen for a reason?


Vee : mm, nope. I believe in a loving God

Nathan : Yes and No , ya karena gwe percaya takdir membuat gwe percaya sama yg diatas. Tidak karena dengan blessing dari ATAS kita bisa berusaha.

Benn : fate? yeah...kind of...fate itu kadang emang ada..tapi tergantung kita juga gimana mau mencapai fate itu.So kadang itu fate emang di tangan sendiri juga...whether want to make it happens or not...the chances are always there.

We can be good or bad,sad or hepi as we wish right? Yes....literally yes but emotionally we can't handle it well (sometimes). Semua itu you control your mind.It depends on what you want in life.

If you wanted happiness, and if you are positive on what you are doing..I believe you can achieve it.

If negative thinking is lingering your mind, you won't able to achieve positive attitudes...because your mind simply doesn't wish to achive the positives.

Agatha : tidak ada seorangpun di lahirkan dgn takdir miskin bodoh.. susah.Semua di lahirkan sama. Yg beda adalah kesempatan.. pilihan... kalo salah pilih.. malas... itu bisa miskin.. bisa jahat.Tapi nasib ada di tangan kita sendiri. takdir... itu adalah.. lahir..hidup..mati.Karma=apa yg di tanam.. apa yg di tuai. semua orang di lahirkan dgn nasib yg sama.. pada awalnya. :Lalu berubah nasibnya sesuai .. education.. jalan hidup.. pilihan hidup masing2

Kate : God gave us choice right? He didn't tell us to strictly do something he allowed us o choose. We can be good or bad, happy or sad as we wish.How can someone possibly tell our future or fate if we have choice on what we want to do. It's like someone is deciding our every move, which is not according to what God said.

Frend : Yeah I definitely believe in fate. Not that I'm saying you can't influence your future or that "trying" to do something is pointless. It's just that there are some things we cannot change. There are some things that will happen no matter what we do.


Do I Believe in Fate??

Huaa difficult to answers it. Ehmm, jawaban gw sama dengan Ben, I think life is on the go coz our Plan.Tetapi kita tdk tao apakah rencana kita actually is gonna happenn.

We do just wat we can, change the things we can change. Fate memang suatu hal yg misterius,tapi yg pasti we never no the ending.